Each Sunday morning during this fun series, we will explore how a scene from Harry Potter can illustrate a crucial scriptural principle, and so help us to learn more about God, faith, and living life well. Our goal is that you will leave both encouraged and challenged!
May 12 Mother’s Day | Lily Potter, Aunt Petunia, and Mrs Weasley | Raising our kids, Encountering Courage, loyal Friendship, and Self-Sacrificial Love. | John 15:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Proverbs 21:21, Proverbs 31:25-30 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
May 19 | Mud bloods, Muggles, and Me | Why is the world the way it is ? If God is real, why do the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer ? Why is it full of Bigotry and Racism ? | Jeremiah 12:1-2, Galatians 3:26-29, Mark 8:36, Proverbs 19:1,22, James 2:2-9 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
May 26 | How to deal with Dementors, and a woman named Dolores Umbridge | Dealing with difficult people. Dealing with depression and difficult emotions. How the horrors of history can begin with Self-righteous, judgmental rule following and a corrupt press. | Matthew 7:15-20, Ephesians 6:11-18, Philippians 4:8-9, Ecclesiastes 2:17-25, Galatians 5:14 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
June 2 | Facing Albus Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat | Do our choices matter? Do you believe in fate ? Do we really have free will, or is everything already determined? What is God really like and why does he seem so arbitrary? | Ephesians 1:11, Joshua 24:15, Philippians 2:12-13, Genesis 2:16-17, Deuteronomy 30:19-20 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
June 9 | Platform 9 3/4 | How do Reason, Faith, and the unseen world go together? The adventure of the existential leap and the experience of Baptism | Matt 13:15, John 14:1-6, Hebrews11:1, Mark 16:16 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
June 16 | The gospel according to Severus Snape | Jesus without makeup How much do I actually know about who he really was, is, and will be? | Matthew 15:21-28, Isaiah 53:2-3, Matthew 9:33-36, Matthew 26:66-68 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
June 23 | Hagrid’s Remorse and Percy Weasley’s Return | How temptations work. The world of difference between Penitence vs Repentance. How to become the Prodigal Son | James 1:13-21, Luke 15:11-24, 2 Corinthians 7:10, Ephesians 2:8-9 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
June 30 | Do you want Horcruxes or King’s Cross Station? | Immortality vs Resurrection, What happens when we die ? What did Jesus accomplish? | Mark 8:36, Psalm 103:15-16, Hebrews 9:27-28, 1 Corinthians 15:1 3-14 SMALL GROUP NOTES |
Easter Morning – I think this letter is for you… | Does it ever feel like the universe is trying to get a message through to you ? What if God is trying to get your attention ? |