This page is a resource for the Honest to God series and the relationship between Christianity and The Enneagram. Sermon Podcasts will be posted as they are available.

As a Christian church we are committed to the authority of the scriptures. We also believe the Enneagram is a useful tool for helping us understand how to apply the scriptures given our particular personalities, strengths and temptations. There are 9 Enneagram personality types. While you will not need to know your Enneagram type to fully participate in the sermon series, you may be interested in to determining it. You can find a free Enneagram test on-line, or pay $12 to take the formal test here.
DATE | TOPIC & Podcast |
PERSON & Bible |
CHARACTERISTICS………………….. | Intro Video | Life Group Resources |
Feb 9 | The Challenger (Leader, Protector) #8 |
Samson Judges 14:1-15:10 Romans 12:18-21 |
The need to be against “You’ve got to be tough” Core Desire: To protect themselves from others, be in control Core Fear: Being Controlled by others/ out of control Primary Temptation: Justice->Revenge Root sin : shamelessness, lust for intensity |
Watch | Guide |
Feb 16 | The Peacemaker (Mediator) #9 |
Jonah 1:1 15, 4:5-8 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Proverbs 12:24-28 |
The need to avoid “I don’t know, where do you want to go?” Core Desire: To be loved, to be at peace Core Fear: loss and separation Primary Temptation: belittling themselves Root Sin: laziness |
Watch | Guide |
Feb 23 | The Perfectionist (Reformer) #1 |
Paul ACT 7:51- 8:3 Matthew 23 2-7,23-38,34,37 Romans 8:1-4 |
The need to be perfect “Hey, do I have to do everything myself?” Core Desire: To be good, balanced, integrity Core Fear: Being Corrupt/Defective/Deeply Flawed Primary Temptation: never ending search for perfection Root sin : anger |
Watch | Guide |
Wednesday Feb 26 |
ASH WEDNESDAY | Soup & Service |
Mar 1 | The Helper (Giver) #2 |
Martha Luke 10:38-42 Luke 18:10-14 Psalm 62:5-7, Psalm 46:10, Psalm 127:2 |
The need to be needed “I want you to be happy, but I want to be the reason” Core Desire: To be loved, to receive love for their service Core Fear: being unwanted, unworthy of love Primary Temptation: continually help others and in this way evade yourself Root Sin : Pride |
Watch | Guide |
Mar 8 | The Performer (Achiever) #3 |
Jacob Genesis 25: Genesis 27:1-35 Genesis 28:10-17 Joshua 1:8-9 1 Corinthians 15:58 |
The need to succeed “Would you really love and admire the real me ?” Core Desire: To feel valued and worthwhile by others Core Fear: Being worthless, negated Primary Temptation: Efficiency Root Sin: Deceit |
Watch | Guide |
Mar 15 | The Romantic (Individualist) #4 |
Joseph Genesis 37:2-18 Genesis 45:1-9 John 1:11-12 1 Peter 2:1-6, Psalm 139:1-7,13-14 |
The need to be special “I have an irredeemable deficiency” Core Desire: To find/create their identity/significance Core Fear: That they are without personal identity or significance/value Primary Temptation: frantic striving for authenticity Root Sin: Envy |
Watch | |
Mar 22 | The Investigator (Observer) #5 |
Thomas John 20:24-29 John 14:5-6 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 Amos 3:10, Proverbs 11:24-27, Luke 6:38 |
The need to perceive “Given books or people, I choose books” Core Desire: To be capable, knowledgeable, and competent Core Fear: Being incapable, stupid, overwhelmed by others Primary Temptation: Knowledge Root Sin: Avarice/Hoarding |
Watch | |
Mar 29 (Guest Preacher) |
The Loyalist (Skeptical) #6 |
Peter Matthew 16:21-23 John 18:3-27 Matthew 6:25-34 Naham 1:7 |
The need for security “Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst” Core Desire: To be secure and have support Core Fear: Being left without support and/or guidance Primary Temptation: Striving for security Root Sin: Fear/Anxiety |
Watch | |
Apr 5 | The Enthusiast (Epicure) #7 |
The David Mark 10:17-22 1 Peter 4:1-5 Luke 9:22-25 Hebrews 12:7-11 |
The need to avoid pain “I suffer from FOMO – fear of missing out” Core Desire: To be energized, entertained, desires fulfilled Core Fear: To be trapped, deprived, in pain Primary Temptation: Idealism Root Sin: Intemperance/Gluttony |
Watch | |
Thursday Apr 9 |
Maundy Thursday |
Soup and Service |
Apr 12 | An Enneagram EASTER |
Matthew 28 | The conclusion of our series shows how the good news of the first Easter morning and the physical resurrection of Jesus reveals the full implications of the Enneagram |
Copyright 2020, Langdon Palmer
For those who want to go deeper, this book is helpful:

And if you really want to nerd out: