Why worship at home ?
As a church, we deeply value the fellowship, the physical contact, and the corporate worship that happens when we are all gathered together in one place on Sunday mornings. The decision to temporarily transfer worship services from a public gathering to an on-line resource was not an easy one prior to recent developments. The diagram below illustrates that one of the key issues how fast the infection spreads. If the same amount of people are infected but at a much slower rate, it is less likely that our hospitals and other medical resources will be overwhelmed. One of the best ways of slowing the infection rate is reducing the number of large group gatherings.

As Christians we are called to love our neighbors and put their needs above our own. In this current season of the Coronavirus, we want to play our part to keep our city safe. Choosing not to gather for Worship this Sunday is our small gift to our neighbors and our city – our way of contributing to the effort to slow the speed at which the virus spreads. This Sunday morning there will be an on-line LEVERINGTON worship service available to you and your family. It will address the fear and worry many feel and it will include music, prayer, and a continuation of our sermon series. Simply go to https://levpres.org/home-church/ anytime this Sunday to join us. It won’t exactly be Oscar material, but we hope it will be a blessing. 🙂 If you know someone from our congregation who does not have internet access, please consider having them over to join you to worship in your home. Perhaps you may have neighbors who could be blessed by joining us. There may be ways we can do more for our neighbors in the weeks ahead, and we will keep you apprised. If you have needs, contact us at Office@levpres.org. As we go one day at a time, you can always see our latest church status and updates at https://levpres.org/coronavirus-update/ |