This series traces the gospel story from Genesis to Revelation.

God’s plan of redeeming a fallen creation is woven throughout Scripture.


June 23 – Good News – 1 Cor. 15:1-4 – The Gospel is the good news of redemption found in the life and work of Jesus for all of God’s creation.

June 30 – Creation – Gen. 1:1-27 – We are created in God’s image, and he care for his creation. He deserves our worship.

July 7 – The Fall – Gen. 3:1-24 – This world is fallen, and we must look to Jesus as the answer to sin and evil.

July 14 – The Promise – Gen. 12:1; 15:17-18; 22:16-18 – We are members of the family of Abraham and must have faith in God’s promise.

July 21 – The  Exodus – Exodus 1:12; 2:1-22; 6:6-8 – We must look to God as our Rescuer and Redeemer.

July 28 – The Atonement – Exodus 29:10-14; Hebrews 9:22 – Because Jesus offered himself as our sacrifice, we must not try to pay for our sins through works.

Aug. 4 – The Messiah – Isaiah 53:1-7 – Jesus is our Messiah and the one who brings new life to us.

Aug. 11 – Jesus – The Good News of the Gospel – Matthew 1:1-17; Mark 16:15 – We must always look to Jesus as the central message in life and all of history.

Aug. 18 – Preaching the Gospel– Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-40 – We must preach the story of Jesus, the good news of redemption.

Aug. 25 – The End – Rev. 21:1-2; Matthew 13:1-44 – We must be kingdom-minded people who live the gospel story of redemption every day.